
Showing posts with the label forgiveness

How to forgive someone

Learning  how to forgive someone  is much more than just a learned skill or technique. You can learn  how  to forgive someone in a matter of minutes. But getting to the point where you’re  willing  to forgive someone is where the real struggle takes place. Forgiveness is never easy. After all, if someone has hurt or offended you  why  should you forgive them? Especially if they’ve done so intentionally and with malice. Forgiveness is essentially letting go of anger, resentment, or any other intense negative emotions that you may have toward someone that has hurt or offended you. How do you forgive someone that has done the unforgivable? How do you forgive a spouse that has had an affair? How do you forgive an addict that has relapsed yet again? How do you forgive the abuse or neglect of a parent? How do you forgive a friend or co-worker for destroying friendships or your career? How do you forgive an ex-spouse that has destroyed your relationship with your children? How do you forgive ...